New Patients
Visit Admissions First
The admissions desk is located in the main lobby. An admissions representative will ask you to fill out some forms and then you will be directed or escorted to your destination.
If you are a patient in labor, enter through the Emergency entrance, you will be directed or, if need be, escorted from there.
If you have already been pre-admitted, you will just need to sign a treatment consent form. If you have not been pre-admitted, you will need to complete other forms at this time as well.
Required Paperwork
Please bring any medical insurance cards and any necessary claims forms. This will speed the admissions process. If you have pre-registered and recently changed insurance companies, please bring your current insurance card and forms.
What to Bring
Hospital gowns are available, but you may bring your own dressing robe and slippers. We encourage you to bring your own toiletries from home. If you are having a baby, bring clothes for your newborn. Upon discharge, you are required by law to have an infant car seat to transport your newborn home. Pediatric patients may bring one special blanket or a comforting stuffed animal. Upon discharge, you are required by law to have a car seat to transport children under the age of six or less than 60 lbs.
Please bring a list of your current medications and dosages. Your physician will evaluate which ones you should continue taking while in the hospital. These will be dispensed to you by the hospital pharmacy during your stay.
What to Not Bring
Please do not bring jewelry (including rings), money or other valuable items to the Medical Center. If you do have money or valuables when you are admitted, please ask someone to take them home for you.
Patient Meals
The Nutrition and Food Services Department will bring meals three times a day and snacks upon request (provided your physician does not restrict your diet). Patients’ meals are generally served as follows: breakfast, 7:00 a.m.; lunch, 11:30 a.m.; and dinner, 5:00 p.m.
Your Visitors
Your family and friends are welcome 24 hours a day unless your physician restricts visitors.
Thank you for allowing us to care for you!
Our Goal is to provide you with the best possible experience at San Joaquin General Hospital. We strive to exceed your expectations, and we encourage you to be an active participant in your care. We will: