NICU - Our Staff


Jeffery Lindenberg, MD

NICU Medical Director & Transport Medicine Director

Dr Lindenberg received his medical degree from University of Indiana and did his residency at University of California San Francisco. Following residency, he completed his Neonatal-Perinatal fellowship at University of California Davis Medical Center and served as assistant professor of Pediatric/Neonatology at Oregon Health Science University. He has been Director of Newborn Services at San Joaquin General Hospital since 1985.

Aaron J. Simko, MD, FAAP

Board Certified Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine

Ronaldo Hipolito, MD, FAAP

Board Certified Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine

Our associate neonatologists are also trained and certified in Perinatal-Neonatal Medicine. In addition to providing clinical care in the NICU, staff neonatologists serve as educators, researchers, and complete quality improvement and administrative duties.

Nursing - The SJGH NICU nursing staff includes registered nurses who are Nationally Certificated in Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, Clinical Nurse Specialist, and Neonatal Clinical Educators. NICU nurses are involved in nursing education, research, and NICU administration. The NICU has a nurse manager, assistant nurse managers and relief charge nurse working every shift.

A Primary Nurse is assigned to infants who are expected stay in the NICU for several weeks. Primary nurses develop lasting relationships with families, take on the role of advocate for their patients, and serve as a liaison between the NICU staff and the baby’s family.

Hospital Unit Clerks - The Medical Unit Clerks greet families when they enter the NICU and help the NICU runs smoothly. They communicate with the staff and coordinate services that involve working with Pharmacy, Radiology, Laboratory, and external consultants and community pediatricians.

Respiratory Care - Respiratory therapists are vital members of the newborn resuscitation team who care for babies with special needs, from the time of their delivery until they are discharge from the hospital. Respiratory therapists help babies breathe and maintain the NICU's respiratory support equipment, including ventilators and other mode of oxygen delivery. Collaborating with families, nurses, and physicians, respiratory therapists ensure that procedures such as intubations, extubations, and ventilatory transitions run efficiently.

National Clinical Dietition - Neonatal clinical dietitians are responsible for medical nutrition therapy which includes screening and evaluation of babies who may be at risk due to poor nutrition. They participate in patient rounds and t hey offer nutrition recommendations to the physicians to optimize growth in the newborn infant.

Lactation Program - The Lactation Program at SJGH provides comprehensive inpatient lactation (breastfeeding) services. These services are provided by international board certified lactation consultants (IBCLC). Breastfeeding is not only important for nutrition, but it also encourages mother-baby bonding.

NICU lactation consultants help with:

  • One-on-one consultations to assist with complex breast-feeding needs
  • Provide education and training on the use of hospital grade electric breast pump
  • Proper handling, storage, and transport of expressed breast milk
  • Up-to-date and evidence based information and advice

Compassionate Care from Our Professional Staff

Physical / Occupational Therapist - Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists provide early intervention for infant development. They assist in proper positioning of fragile, sick infants to promote sleep, comfort, and normal muscle and bone alignment. Therapists assist infants and families with feeding and teach caregivers about preterm development and how to response to their newborn’s cues.

Social Work - The Social Workers of SJGH are involve in educating the families in the assessment, treatment, services and continuing care rendered to the neonate. When needed services cannot be provide directly by the hospital, the Social Worker may acquire needed services through referral, consultation, or contractual arrangement.