Maternity Services

Family Maternity Center - FMC Labor & Delivery, Newborn Nursery and Postpartum

Welcome to San Joaquin General Hospital’s Family Maternity Center which features:

  • Private birthing rooms with bathrooms and showers
  • Two designated operating rooms for Cesarean Sections
  • 24-hour on-site OB/GYN Physicians and Midwives
  • 24-hour on-site Anesthesia Services
  • 24-hour Translation Services
  • Spanish Speaking Maternity Advocacy Available All Shifts
  • Tea cart service

Having a baby is a very special time and we would be delighted if you choose San Joaquin General Hospital for this important occasion. As a Center of Excellence for Women and children’s services, we are committed to providing you with both the highest quality of care and a rewarding family experience.

Our staff is eager to assist you and your family with the addition of your new baby. San Joaquin General Hospital offers comprehensive care for all stages of pregnancy, which includes prenatal and postpartum services as well as support and education before, during and after delivery.

Visiting Policy | Visiting Hours: 11:00 am to 8:00 pm

Labor and Delivery:

  • One additional person, other than the support person, may be present during labor and delivery.
  • Expectant mothers having a Cesarean delivery may be accompanied by one support person.

Maternity / Postpartum:

  • Father of baby or support person may visit 24/7.
  • In addition to the support person, 2 visitors are allowed at a time.
  • Siblings may visit from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
  • Nonsiblings under the age of 16 are not allowed.
  • Any persons with flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, cough) are not allowed to visit.

Politia de Visitas | Harario de visitas: 11:00 am a 8:00 pm

Trabajo y Entrega:

  • Una persona adicional, aparte de la persona de apoyo, puede estar presente durante el parto. Todos los demás, se les pide a los visitantes que esperen en la sala de espera de la familia.
  • Las mujeres embarazadas que tienen un parto por cesárea pueden ser acompañadas sólo por su persona de apoyo.

Maternidad / Postparto:

  • Padre de bebé o una persona de apoyo puede visitar de 24/7.
  • Dos personas, además de la persona de apoyo, puede visitar a la vez.
  • Los hermanos del bebé les permite 5:00 - 8:00 pm.
  • Los ninos menores de 16 anos no se les permite.
  • Persona con sintomas similares a la gripe (fiebre, escalofríos, tos) no se le permite visitar.

Locations & Contact Numbers

Family Maternity Center
Main Hospital, 3rd Floor

Newborn Nursery
Main Hospital, 3rd Floor

Child Birth Orientation & Classes

Breastfeeding Orientation Classes & Counseling