During Your Stay
You and your baby’s health and well being are our highest priority.
During Your Hospital Stay
Our staff will assist you and your family with the transition of welcoming a new member into your family. You will be offered to attend a free discharge teaching class, even if this is not your first baby. This class will provide you with an opportunity to meet other new moms and ask questions you may have about your care, or the care of your new baby. We want you to be well prepared to care for yourself and your baby when you go home.
Upon admission to postpartum, you will receive a personal copy of A New Beginning booklet. This comprehensive guide to postpartum care will be helpful in answering many of your basic questions.
After Your Return Home
Please remember that your baby’s pediatrician should always be your primary source of information. If you have any concerns about your own care, please contact your obstetrician.
A New Beginning
Your Personal Guide to Postpartum Care