San Joaquin General Hospital believes every person living in San Joaquin County has the right to health care they can afford. The Medical Assistance Program provides financial assistance to qualified patients who are having difficulty paying their medical bills.
If you do not have health insurance, our financial counselors will help you find out if you qualify for one of these health coverage programs: Medi-Cal, Healthy Families, Healthy Kids, SJGH Medical Financial Assistance Program (MFA), or SJGH Charity Program.
Call the Medical Assistance Program to get information about our discount payment and charity care policies and to make an appointment 209-468-6679.
The required documents you need are listed on the application for financial assistance. Call the financial counselor at 209-468-6679 if you have any questions.
Please find the attached applications for your convenience. If you need assistance in any other language, we offer interpreter services to accommodate your needs.
If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a complaint with the State of California’s Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Go to HospitalBillComplaintProgram.hcai.ca.gov for more information and to file a complaint.
There are organizations that will help patients understand the billing and payment process, as well as the internet webpage for Health Consumer Alliance at healthconsumer.org. If you need further assistance accessing this information in another language or format (large print, braille, audio or other format) please contact The Medical Assistance Program at 209-468-6679.
If you have been denied financial assistance, you have the right to appeal. Send a written request for review within 30 days of your denial notice to:
Admitting Manager
P.O. Box 1020
French Camp, CA 95231