Community Resources
Valley Mountain Regional Center (VMRC) - serves children with development
disabilities in San Joaquin, Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties.
La Leche League International - provides education, information, support, and
encouragement to women who want to breastfeed. www.llli.org Other Breast
feeding resources
Women, Infants and Children Food and Nutrition Service (WIC) - provides
food, health care referrals and information about nutrition to pregnant, breast-
feeding and non-breastfeeding women, and infants and children who qualify.
Victor Community Services - delivers mental health and family support services
at schools, homes and community in which people live.
Read to Me Stockton - encourage early childhood reading – free books every
month to kids 0-5 yrs old in zip codes 95202, 95205, 95206. 95210.
Public Health Services - provides information and resources to various community programs, http://www.sjcphs.org/information/special, which includes:
Health Education Resources
First 5 of San Joaquin – provides health and developmental screenings, quality preschool, literacy programs, and family support services to San Joaquin County children and families. www.first5association.org
My Baby/Mi Bebe - health education and support groups, free nutritional counseling and classes. Contact Esther Postiglione at (209) 468-8620.
American Lung Association- Do you or anybody you know want to stop smoking? Find the resources you need here. www.lung.org/stop-smoking or Call 1-800-NO-Butts.
Health Plan of San Joaquin - provides information about various insurance plans and wellness programs. www.hpsj.com
Health Library
Access the links below to get answers to some of the questions that affect you and your family:.
American Academy of Pediatrics
Healthy Children
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
California Department of Public Health
SJ County Public Health Services